Cập nhật tin ngày 31/05/2024

May, 31 2024:VN-Index inched down (VN-Index -0.36%)

  • VN-Index had a mild trading session this morning as the liquidity in the morning was 41% lower than yesterday and foreign investors net sold VND 480 billion.
  • The slight decline in the banking sectors hampered the market growth and kept it at the reference mark.
  • The seller gradually kicked in in the afternoon and pushed the Index lower at the end.
  • The slump of the Banking, Financial Services, and Food & Beverage weighed down on the market, despite the gain of the Retail sector.
  • Market breadth included 198 winners, 222 losers, and 71 unchanged.
  • Liquidity fell by 27.5% to VND 18.7 trillion.

VN-30 decreased in a softer pace (VN-30 -0.26%)

  • The basket recorded 9 increasing stocks, 18 decreasing stocks, and 3 staying the same.
  • Only MWG (+1.27%) and HPG (+1.24%) increased more than 1%.
  • On the other hand, GVR (-2.36%), SAB (-1.69%), and VCB(-1.58%) were the most decliners.

Sectors and stocks daily highlights

  • VIC (+0.93%) and Mitsubishi Corporation group signed a memorandum of understanding for a comprehensive strategic cooperation. In particular, Mitsubishi Corporation will invest in urban development, data centers, renewable energy, cooking oil recycling, and the automobile industry via VHM.
  • ACV (-1.80%) held the Annual General Meeting this morning. The firm plans to achieve VND 20,325 billion (+2% YoY) in revenue and VND 9,378 billion (+6% YoY) in profit before tax in 2024.
  • Foreign investors had a net selling session with VND 1,399 billion. VHM (-0.38%), VCB (-1.58%), and MWG (+1.27%) were the most net-sold stocks. Meanwhile, the value of net bought stocks was insignificant.



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