Implementing Scheme 06 in the securities sector

On January 6, 2022, through Decision 06/QD-TTg, the Prime Minister approved the “Scheme on Development of application of population data, e-identification and e-authentication to serve national digital transformation in 2022 – 2025 period, with a vision towards 2030” (Scheme 06).

The general objective of Scheme 06 is to apply the National Population Database, electronic identification and authentication system, and electronic chip-embedded Citizen Identification Cards in the national digital transformation process in a flexible and creative manner in accordance with the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision towards 2030, to serve the following 5 utility groups:

    1. Serving administrative procedures and providing online public services;
    2. Serving economic and social development;
    3. Serving digital citizens;
    4. Completing the ecosystem serving connection, exploitation, supplementation and enrichment of population data;
    5. Serving the direction and administration of leaders at all levels.

Since 2022, Scheme 06 has played a pioneering and leading role in promoting national digital transformation, innovating national governance methods using digital technology, contributing to promote the development of digital government, digital economy, digital society, digital citizens.

In the securities sector, on November 24, 2023, the State Securities Commission (SSC) and the Police Department on Administrative Management of Social Order (C06) – Minister of Public Security signed a Plan to coordinate the implementation of Scheme 06.

At the signing ceremony, Chairwoman of the State Securities Commission Vu Thi Chan Phuong said that SSC has proactively implemented the tasks: established a Working Group to implement the tasks; developed a Plan for coordination to implement the tasks of Scheme 06 between SSC and the Police Department on Administrative Management of Social Order.

The plan focuses on implementing three main groups of tasks:

First, checking and authenticating information with the national population database, cleaning up securities investor data and data of people granted securities practice certificates.

Second, connecting and exploiting the national population database, the electronic identification and authentication system to serve the professional activities of the Securities industry.

Third, applying citizen identification cards with electronic chips to identify securities investor information.

In early 2024, the Prime Minister directed the State Securities Commission to cross-check and verify information with the National Population Database, and clean up data on securities investors and those granted securities practice certificates. Previously, in mid-December 2023, the Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security to coordinate to promptly clean up data on investors to improve market safety.

To specify the above plan and requirements of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance, on July 19, 2024, the State Securities Commission issued Official Dispatch No. 4501/UBCK-CNTT on reviewing and standardizing investor data. In this dispatch, the State Securities Commission requires securities companies to review, authenticate, and standardize individual investor data to ensure that it matches the information on Citizen Identification/Identification in the National Population Database. Accordingly, from October 1, 2024, to ensure the principles of electronic transactions in the securities market, only Vietnamese securities accounts with standardized information will be accepted for using of online securities trading services. In cases of failure to coordinate to update and standardize information, securities companies must request investors to come to trade directly at the counter and continue to standardize data information when investors trade directly at the counter.

At Japan Securities Co., Ltd. (JSI), in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory agency, JSI has sent a notice requesting Vietnamese investors to update and adjust securities trading account information to ensure smooth and convenient trading activities.