Cập nhật tin ngày 17/05/2024

May, 17 2024:VN-Index keeps gains (VN-Index +0.34%)

  • VN-Index started trading higher again today.
  • After the ATO session ended, the market was inclined to sell. However, the market recovered as it quickly turned to buying. It continued to keep its gains.
  • As the afternoon began, the market was again dominated by selling. Although the market temporarily turned to decline from the previous day, it soon turned to buying and eventually ended the session higher.
  • The Food & beverage, Chemical, and Financial Service sectors led the market. On the other hand, the Travel & Leisure sector dragged the market down.
  • Market breadth had 234 winners, 176 losers, and 96 unchanged.
  • Liquidity was roughly the same at VND 23.0 trillion, up 1.7%.

VN-30 weights on the market (VN-30 +0.14%)

  • The basket included 14 increasing stocks, 12 decreasing stocks, and 4 staying the same.
  • The biggest gainer was MSN (+4.28%), followed by GVR (+2.46%) and VRE (+1.99%).
  • The biggest drop was seen in VCB (-0.86%), with no stocks falling more than 1%.

Sectors and stocks daily highlights

  • Pig company stocks such as BAF (+6.76%), HAG (+6.96%), and DBC (+6.37%) performed well thanks to high live pig prices in the trading market.
  • MBS (+6.00%) passed the implementation of a share purchase warrant issue to existing shareholders to increase its charter capital. It will offer 109 million shares to existing shareholders at a ratio of 4:1.
  • Foreign investors net sold by VND 795 billion. There were no notable movements in net bought stocks. Meanwhile, VHM (+1.49%) remained the most net sold stock following yesterday.



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