Update news on June,07 2024

June, 7 2024:VN-Index weakened toward the end (VN-Index +0.31%)

  • VN-Index joined in with the global positivity, starting well above the reference mark after the ECB decided to cut interest rates.
  • Nevertheless, cautious sentiment soon returned to the market with sectors and stocks diverging.
  • As such the index gradually declined, but maintained green thanks to support from the Banking sector.
  • Caution grew even stronger in the afternoon with cash flow dropping significantly.
  • Thus, the market continued its decline, but bounced back slightly after touching the reference mark.
  • Market breadth was buy-side favored with 235 winners, 178 losers, and 88 unchanged.
  • Liquidity went down nearly 20% to VND 17.8 trillion.

VN-30 diverged also (VN-30 +0.44%)

  • The basket recorded 13 increasing stocks, 12 decreasing stocks, and 5 staying the same.
  • VRE (-1.33%) was the only one to lose more than 1%.
  • Major gainers outweighed and outnumbered decliners with FPT (+1.72%), POW (+2.95%), SAB (+3.66%). TCB (+2.29%).

Sectors and stocks daily highlights

  • DBC (+1.43%) is planning to offer 80.7 million shares to existing shareholders at VND 15,000/share, 58% lower than the current market price.
  • SSIAM of SSI (+0.14%) established a partnership with Union Bank of Taiwan, thus entering the Taiwanese market.
  • Foreign net sellings have yet to cease with VND 476.9 billion net sold today. Both buying and selling were spread rather evenly. STB (+0.16%) and HPG (0.00%) topped the net sold list; while for HAH (+3.75%) led the other side.



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