Update news on June,11 2024

June, 11 2024:VN-Index changed its momentum (VN-Index  -0.49%)

  • VN-Index continued its upward momentum at the beginning but the market started decreasing to below reference price due to profit-taking.
  • Although Oil & Gas sector had a positive result, most of sectors decreased in the morning.
  • The index ended up in red in the afternoon as negative sentiment continued.
  • Investors mainly focused on selling Media, Travel & Leisure, Insurance sectors.
  • Market breadth included 146 winners, 301 losers, and 63 unchanged.
  • Liquidity increased by 17.5% to VND 25.4 trillion.

VN-30 also turned into red (VN-30 -0.21%)

  • The basket recorded 8 increasing stocks, 21 decreasing stocks, and 1 staying the same.
  • POW (+3.66%) and PLX (+2.98%) supported the basket.
  • On the other hand, VJC (-2.94%), VHM (-1.93%) and VRE (-1.81%) ended with negative movements.

Sectors and stocks daily highlights

  • POW (+3.66%) announced the company’s business results in May. Revenue from electricity sales recorded 3,320 billion VND (-1.0% MoM) and it is estimated that the company earned 107 billion VND on daily average from its business, which is because of the prolonged hot weather throughout the country.
  • HDB (-1.46%) decided to make foreign room lower from 20.0% to 17.5% to accomplish the company’s development strategy in the coming time. This is to be submitted in the General Meeting of Shareholdes for approval.
  • Foreign investors net sold VND 1,845 billion today. PLX (+2.98%) was bought relatively well. On the other hand, FPT (+1.74%), VHM (-1.93%) and HPG (-0.68%) were extremely net sold more than 200 billion VND.



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